Thursday, May 15, 2014

8 Months Old

Robert Tyler is 8 months old!  This has been a very exciting month with lots of new milestones.  Beau started crawling just a few days after he turned 7 months!  He also started pulling himself up to his knees and then quickly progressed to pulling up to his feet.  He loves standing at the ottoman and looking at his books. He also got 2 more teeth, the top front teeth.  So know our tooth count is up to 4!  In the middle of the month we transitioned from 3 naps down to 2 and Beau has been doing great with the transition.  We have 2 longer naps of at least an hour each.  He has also learned to turn the page of a book which he is very proud of and loves doing!  But my favorite new milestone is when he started giving Mommy sweet little baby kisses.  It just melts my heart when he snuggles into my face and gives me a big, wet kiss.  We also had Robert's Baptism this month, a trip to NC to see family, and his first Easter!  What a special month with great memories!

 Beau has discovered that he can make funny faces.  He's a big fan of the "scrunchy" face!

Beau loves Murphy!  He thinks he's so funny and Murphy can always get a good belly laugh out of him.  So much of my day consists of chasing Beau chasing Murphy all around the house. : )

 Pulling up to his knees!  Big boy!

My parents, Beau and me took a trip to my Aunt Joan and Uncle Joe's house in Pinehurst, NC.  We had a great visit and it was so nice for Beau to meet more of his family!

 Great Aunt Joan and Uncle Joe

 Great Uncle Joe teaching Beau about some of the finer things in life

 Cousins, Joann, Steve and Justin.  Justin and Beau were fast friends and it was so sweet to see them playing and laughing together!

Quick stop in Charlotte, NC to check on our house there and have lunch with great friends, the D'Amico family.  Sara, Scott, Vincent and Stella.

 New push toy from Mommy and Daddy

 Reading books with Mimi

Spending a beautiful Saturday afternoon at Market Square, downtown Knoxville.  Beau loves strolling around and looking at all of the people and sights! 

 Enjoying a relaxing evening stroller ride around the neighborhood 

 I think he might be getting a little too big for his bouncy seat : )

 Bath time fun!

 Beau loves to pull himself up on the ottoman and look at all of his books

First time at the playground!  He wasn't sure what to make of the swing or the slide but he loved watching all of the bigger kids run around and play.  We will definitely be making more trips to the playground this summer!

 Out to dinner with Mommy and Daddy at Pero's

 Date night with Mommy at Jason's Deli while Daddy works late

1 comment:

  1. Awe... That little diaper bottom couldn't be cuter! He is so sweet and so precious! Cannot wait to see him explore the beach!
