Friday, August 22, 2014

11 Months Old

Robert Tyler is 11 months old!  This month Beau cut two new teeth (that makes 9 so far!), started saying dada dada (although I don't think this is his official first word because he uses it for everything and just likes how it sounds when he says it), and also took his first step!  Right now he is a very nervous and cautious walker so he is taking his time to perfect this new skill.  In the couple of weeks after his first step he worked his way up to taking 4-5 steps independently.  

Some other things that he is loving to do are walking around holding our hands and stepping on his books and toys, opening and closing the kitchen cabinets and getting a plastic cup out, checking the mailbox with Daddy, looking at his moon and stars  light projector,  pushing the garage door button, and pulling the cord on the ceiling light to turn the lights on and off.  His most exciting discovery this month was Mickey Mouse!  He loves all things Mickey and laughs every time he seems him ( on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Mickey toys, a Mickey balloon or even a Mickey Mouse t shirt).  He also loves balloons and every time he sees them he reaches up to touch them and lets out a big squeal.  Of course, he continues to enjoy balls, books and lots of stroller rides.  

Our baby boy is turning into a toddler right before our eyes!  It is so amazing to watch him explore his world and discover what he enjoys and the things that make him smile and laugh.  We love you, Robert!

 Early morning cartoons in Mommy and Daddy's bed

FaceTime with Aunt Kristie

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