Friday, September 12, 2014

12 Months Old

Robert Tyler is 12 months old!  I cannot believe our little boy is one!  His confidence and excitement for walking has really taken off this month and we are proud to say that we officially have a walker.  He no longer has any interest in crawling and is walking all over the house.  He has also taught himself how to go sideways down the 1st step into the sunroom and then he launches himself off of the 2nd step onto Murphy's bed.  He thinks it's absolutely hysterical!  This month he has also been pointing to objects in books, like balls, babies, and the red balloon in Goodnight Moon.  He learned to clap hands, is playing with cars and trucks appropriately and rolling them back and forth, loves playing with DVD cases, thinks it's so fun to sit in all kinds of bins and baskets (especially when Mommy pushes him around in them) and thinks it's so funny to make a "sniffing" sound.  His Grammy taught him how to "smell" the flowers on her last visit.    He also has started dancing to music, his favorite song right now is Hot Diggity Dog from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  He also cut two more pre-molars and is working on the 4th one.

Another big milestone this month is his first word!  He started looking right at Jack and reaching out for him and saying "Dada"!  He still calls other things dadada but he absolutely knows who his Daddy is.  He also said Mama but only once.  We were driving in the car and out of nowhere I hear this sweet little voice yell out "Mama" from the back seat.  It was the sweetest thing I have ever heard and I can't wait to hear it again!  And then right after that he yelled out "Dada".  I guess he was taking roll call and just making sure we were all there.

A couple days after his birthday we had his 1 year check up and vaccines.  He weighs 22.6 lbs (50th percentile) and is 31 inches long (85th- 90th percentile).  He was very sad to get his shots but recovered pretty quickly and was happy to get in the car and head back home.

What a year it has been!  Full of life, love, and learning.  This little boy has stolen our hearts and we so look forward to spending many, many more years loving him, laughing with him, and watching him grow.  Robert Tyler, there are no words on earth that could explain the depth of our love for you.  You are our sunshine!  Mommy and Daddy love you! XOXO

 Someone doesn't want to get their diaper put on but how can you get mad at this sweet face

 Story Time at the library

Jack ran a 5K to support The Butterfly Fund, a non-profit organization that raises money for childhood cancer.  It was a beautiful day for a race and Beau really enjoyed watching his Daddy run and cheering him on.

I took Beau to a place called Gym Bugs that has an open gym time so the kids can play and explore at their own pace.  Of course our little guy found the balls and was pretty happy playing with them most the time.  He was so excited when he discovered the ball pit and even tried to recreate it when we got home with his toy bin that we keep all of his balls in.  He also enjoyed playing on the "stepping stones."

 Big boy carseat
(He's not very happy with Mommy because I took his paci out for the picture)

 Swinging at the park

 Lazy morning reading books with Daddy

 This is his attempt at recreating the ball pit.  He took all of the balls out and got in the bin and then put the balls that he could reach back in the bin with him.

 New favorite place to play

 Ball pit anyone?

Stroller ride with Harley Bear

On our way home from the doctor and getting some snuggles from Pooh Bear

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