Saturday, March 15, 2014

6 Months Old

Robert Tyler is 6 months old!  This month Beau has been sitting independently for a few minutes at a time, sleeping a little bit longer at night (11 or 12 hours with one feeding at 11pm before Daddy turns in for the night), putting himself to sleep for more naps and trying all kinds of delicious, new foods.  So far he has tried apples, pears, peaches, sweet potatoes, carrots and peas.  He loves them all and absolutely loves eating solid foods!  We tried out the highchair for the first time and Beau did a great job with it and looks like such a big boy sitting in it!  

We also had Beau's 6 month well visit and vaccines this month.  He weighed 16 lbs 11 oz. and measured 26.5 inches.  The doctor says he is growing well and everything else is checking out great too!  They did test his white count again and it was down to 9, which is in the normal range.  2 weeks after we left the hospital it was still in the low 20's.  These results help to confirm that our little guy was very sick with a virus that he was fighting for probably quite some time before and after the hospital.  We are so thankful his health is great now and his development is right on track.

This little boy is getting so big that we even had to lower his crib this month.  Beau loves to get on his hands and knees and bounce around in his crib while he's trying to get to sleep or when he's waiting for Mommy or Daddy to come get him.  When he would get too close to the edge though, he would hit his head on the side of the crib.  So, we figured it was time to lower it.  Much less bumps on the head since then!

Happy 6 months, Little Man!  What a wonderful and blessed 6 months it has been!  

 Mimi and all of the her grandchildren, Savannah, Caroline, Robert, Skylar and Wilson

 Miss Deena

 Miss Sandy

Out to lunch with Mommy and Daddy

 Relaxing in Mommy and Daddy's bed!

 Snow Baby

 Starting to sit up

Happy Valentine's Day!

 Out for Valentine's dinner with Mommy and Daddy

 Little Gym class
Apparently he needed a rest   : )

Just lounging around

Sitting up!! Such a big boy now!

The future's so bright I gotta wear shades!

 First time in the highchair!

Visit from Grandpa Meece

1 comment:

  1. He's growing so fast!! Love the striped baseball outfit with feet on him! Love how your house has been taken over with baby gear! Love his sweet smile and pic with fingers in his mouth. Love him!
