Saturday, April 12, 2014

7 Months Old

Robert Tyler is 7 months old!  This month seems to have flown by!  Grammy and Grampy came for a visit at the beginning of the month.  We added some new foods to Beau's diet, bananas, squash, green beans and prunes.  He is such a great eater and loves them all!  We started giving him 3 meals a day.   Beau also had a few really fun "firsts" this month.  We took a family road trip to see my mom and dad in Florida.  My sister, Kristie, was also there visiting from Long Island.  My parents built a beautiful new home and we were so excited to see it and start making memories there.  Beau did a great job on the 10 hour car ride!  I sat in the back with him and we played with toys, read books, watched Baby Einstein and he took a few short naps.  While we were there Beau went swimming for the first time!  The first couple of times he went in he was very quiet and just looked around and was taking it all in.  By the 3rd time he was loving it and splashing the water and "chasing" a Nemo fish toy that he LOVED.  It is so amazing to watch him have a new experience and to see the world through his eyes. We had a wonderful visit and can't wait to go back!  Jack had to drive back earlier than us so Beau got to have another fun "first" and fly home.  Kristie came with us to help out and it was really nice to have the company and support.  I had no idea what I was in for flying with a 6 month old but Beau absolutely spoiled me and did great!  He played with some toys, watched a video and took a 30 minute nap in Mommy's arms.  This month Beau also decided that he can go the whole night without a feeding.  He has been waking up a little earlier in the morning but he is usually sleeping at least 10 hours.  Another blessed month with this beautiful little boy!   

Playing with Grammy and Grampy

First time sitting in the stroller facing front with no carseat.   It's a whole new world!

Shoe shopping for Daddy

Sandy and Rod

Celebrating Jack's birthday at Naples!  Jack's mom, my parents and our niece, Caroline, joined us.  

First road trip!  Heading to Florida to see Grammy, Grampy and Aunt Kristie.

First time sitting in high chair at a "restaurant".  McDonald's pit stop : )

Stopping to rest and stretch our legs.  Almost there!

Just hangin' by the pool

Out and about in town square

Snuggling with Aunt Kristie

Dining poolside

Robert's Great Uncle and Aunt, Marty and Linda

Reading books with Grampy

Bubbles with Gram!

Enjoying the golf course view

First time in the pool!  Beau loved this Nemo fish

The "Grandmas"
Joanne, Great Aunt Caryl, Grammy, Suzanne and Carol

First time riding in a shopping cart

Stroller nap while Mommy shops

Lunch in the pool

Yummy sweet potatoes!  One of Beau's favorites

Mr. Turtle... he's a favorite!

Ride to the airport

Robert's first flight

Nap on the plane

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