Tuesday, April 16, 2013

5 Months

I cannot believe that we are halfway through this pregnancy!  Some days I feel like it is flying by and some days I feel like this will be the longest 9 months of my life.  I guess that's normal though.  Jack and I are getting more and more excited every day to meet our little boy!  (Still no name but we are working on it) However, we are glad to have this time to prepare for his arrival.  Jack is reading a lot and I am asking a billion questions...mostly of my sisters in law but really anyone I can get my hands on who will tolerate my endless baby talk : )  We are also working on the nursery and doing some house rearranging.  We have the furniture at this point but we still have a ways to go before it's baby ready.  We have another ultrasound appointment next week to measure the baby and all of his little parts to check his growth and see how he is developing.  We can't wait to see how much he has changed since our last ultrasound 4 weeks ago!