Thursday, February 13, 2014

5 Months Old

Robert Tyler is 5 months old!   At the beginning of this month we transitioned Beau into sleeping in the crib at night.  It went really well!  Beau loves sleeping in his crib and having more room to stretch and roll around.  Mommy did better than expected with the transition, too.  He likes to practice his new rolling over skills while he is sleeping so sometimes he gets stuck in the corner and needs rescuing, but other than that we have made a lot of progress with night sleep.  We started working on a consistent bedtime and bedtime routine.  Every night we watch a Baby Einstein show, take a bath, have a bottle and then read a book.  Then it's off to bed with a kiss and a cuddle.  Beau has also been mostly putting himself to sleep at night.  Once he got through his growth spurt and weight gain catch up after being sick he started sleeping around 11 hours at night with 1 feeding at 11:00 p.m.  He is usually asleep by 7:30 or 8 and wakes up between 6:30 and 7:30.  We are also making some progress with naps!  Beau has dropped his 4th nap and now takes 3 naps a day.  He has started stretching some naps to 1 hour or 1 hour and 15 minutes.  He even had his first 1.5 hour nap!  But we still have plenty shorter naps.  He has put himself to sleep for 1 or 2 naps but mostly still needs some back rubbing and soothing help from Mommy...or Daddy if it's the weekend.  

This month Beau also tried rice cereal for the first time!  He loved the spoon and opened his mouth real big, but was highly disappointed by what was on the spoon.  I guess it will take a while for his little pallet to get used to new tastes and textures.  

Beau is also starting to sit up with help, pulling his knees underneath him when lying on his belly, putting weight on his legs, "jumping" when held to stand on his feet and learning to pass a toy from one hand to another.  

We also took our first trip to the grocery store together.  I carried Beau in the Baby Bjorn and he did great!  He barely made a peep and enjoyed looking around at all of the new sights and people.  

Grammy came for a fun visit this month!  We did lots of playing and snuggling and even went to some stores and out to lunch.  Beau loves his Grammy!

Such an exciting month full of "firsts"!  Can't wait to see what this next month will bring!

 Having fun with playmates!

 Watching Baby Einstein with Daddy

 At Target with Mommy

 Stroller walk

 At the mall with Mommy and I just woke up from a quick nap in my stroller.  Happy boy!

 Bath time

 Sitting up in my Bumbo seat!

 Snuggling with Gram


Watching Baby Einstein

Harley outfit from Grampy