Monday, June 16, 2014

Grammy and Grampy

Beau and I flew to see Grammy and Grampy in The Villages, Florida for a few days.  We had a great visit full of new toys, swimming, playing and lots of laughs!

 New xylophone

 Playing on Grammy and Grampy's bed

 First golf cart ride!

9 Months Old

Robert Tyler is 9 months old!  Beau is continuing to grow and learn everyday.  He is crawling around everywhere, has started to recognize and respond to his name, cruise along the couch and ottoman, stand up independently while holding onto something with one hand, and has cut his 5th tooth.  He's also starting to wave!  He loves playing with balls, all sizes and colors, and is trying to "throw" a ball back and forth with Mommy or Daddy.  He still loves books and is also loving anything puppy related.  Mr. turtle continues to be a bath time favorite, too.  This month we also celebrated our first Mother's Day and went on our first family beach vacation to Destin, Florida.  Another fun highlight from this month was attending our first Kindermusik class.  Beau loved playing with the bells, banging on the big drum and listening to our group leader sing songs.  Our attempts at month milestone pictures are getting more and more interesting.  As Beau gets busier and busier and develops his own opinion, our pictures are becoming more action shots.  I finally strapped him into the highchair to get a still shot : )  What a fun month!  Can't wait to see what next month brings.


 Beau loves his Aunt Becca!

 Waiting to head out to cousin Caroline's first dance recital

Tennessee Theater

 Found the tupperware drawer!  Such fun!

Sweet, sleeping baby

 Fun at the park!

 Big boy!

 Out to dinner to celebrate our 3rd wedding anniversary

Starting to climb

Friday, June 6, 2014

Fun in the Sun!

We went on our first beach trip, along with Jane, the Hurst family and the Meece family, to Destin, Florida!  It is a whole new world vacationing with a baby but we had a great time.  We had beautiful weather most of the week and got in as much beach and pool time as we could.  We loved getting to spend the week hanging out with family and Beau really enjoyed watching his cousins play.  He can't wait to be running around with them next year!  

 Look out Destin, here we come!

 First time on the beach!

Sand pedicure from my nieces, Savannah and Caroline

Love this little girl!

 Becca, Tyler, Skylar and Savannah

 Wilson and Caroline

 Uncle Jack and Skylar

 Savannah Jane

Skylar, Caroline, Robert, Savannah and Wilson

On his second day on the beach, Beau decided to venture onto the sand.  I think he liked the way it felt once he took his time to warm up to it.  But he also enjoyed sitting on the blanket and enjoying the ocean view.

Jack and I love this little place called Camille's!  We have gone there for dinner on our past pre- baby beach trips but it's much more of a date night restaurant so we skipped it this year.  But they do have a breakfast and lunch shack that is open underneath the restaurant so we took Beau for a lunch date one afternoon.  Mommy and Daddy also enjoyed some delicious Pina Coladas!

Here's the gang heading down Harborwalk Village for dinner at Margaritaville 

 Gorgeous views

 My pirates! Aarggghhhh!

 Tyler and Skylar



Love our nieces and nephew!

One night, after all of the children were sleeping, Jane offered to stay in and watch them so the mommies and daddies could have a date night!  This is actually the first time the 6 of us had gone out together without kids.  We had a really great time, with lots of laughs and yummy food and drinks, at the Tommy Bahama restaurant.  Thanks Mimi!

Heading home. Thanks for the memories Destin!