Sunday, November 16, 2014

October 2014

Playing at the park

Bath time giggles

Heading to Baby Bookworms Story Time at the library

Enjoying some fresh air at Webb School.  We went to see cousin Caroline at her Fall Festival.
Thanks for my puppy shirt, Aunt Minde!

Checking out the football field with Daddy!

Playing in the backyard on a beautiful Fall day!  Beau is loving collecting leaves and other fun things he can find.

family selfie

Murphy, 10 years old

Snuggling with Aunt Minde

Enjoying the ball pit at Gym Bugs open gym time

Trip to the mall with Mommy and Daddy.  Thanks for the adorable shirt, Aunt Becca!


Let the climbing begin!

More Gym Bugs… Learning how to jump

This little boy loves to snuggle!!  

More backyard fun!

"Check out my leaf"!  We watched this leaf fall from its branch and gracefully glide through the air until it hit the ground.  It was actually really pretty to watch and Beau was so excited to hold and admire it.

Grammy came for a visit and joined us at a special Songs and Stories Time at the library.

Helping Mommy and Grammy vacuum and turn the sunroom into a playroom

Sliding at Gym Bugs

First time he was brave enough to go all the way through the tunnel!  Way to go, Robert!  

More Story Time

Songs and Stories at the library with Caroline and Wilson